Bangla OMR Font by Mottalib (বাংলা ও এম আর ফন্ট)


Bangla OMR Font method is now being used to create subjective questions. This method has become quite prevalent for many benefits. In the Bangla OMR Font method, while creating the subjective question paper, one has to make a circle next to each answer. The question maker has to work hard to do this. It is very difficult to take around sep from the insert tool and put it in question one by one. Many computer operators do not want to do this. Many OMR fonts are available for writing English. Just enter the number and change the font and enter Bangla OMR Font. Bangla OMR Font is a type of font that has a circle on top of each letter. So the work becomes much easier. There are many Bangla OMR Fonts for English characters that are easily found on the internet. But such fonts could not be found anywhere in Bengal. Creating fonts is quite a hassle and there is no possibility of making any money on it. The software used to create fonts has to be bought with money and that is why no one is interested in creating these fonts. Anei may have made it, but to use it for his own work. All in all, no Bangla OMR font was found online in Bengali and so it is very difficult to create an OMR sheet. As a solution to this problem, I have created Bangla OMR Font with a little effort. Which will work for Bengali characters. Bijoy or Unicode, this font will work for all keyboards. And the biggest thing is that anyone can download this Bangla OMR Font for free at any time.


How to use Bangla OMR Font?

1. Download and unzip the font
2. Find a folder and some files inside it, Right-click on the “OMRbyMottalib” file, then install
3. Write down your questions with any keyboard. Example :-

বাংলাদেশ কত সালে স্বাধীন হয় ?

ক ১৯৫৭ খ ১৯৭১ গ ১৯৫৪ ঘ ১৯৭০

4. After writing in this way, just select the numbers and select “OMRbyMottalib” from the font option. Now see that a circle has been formed around the numbers.

NB:  In this Bangla OMR Font “ক”  to “য়” and “০” to “৯” cannot be used. No symbols (size, shape, etc.) can be used with letters. To know more details, read the documentation given with the font and see the pictures.

Hopefully, the font will be useful. You use it and spread it among others. The more people who benefit from the font, the more excited I will be to create something new for you.

God bless you.


  1. Brother, would you give me your omr font downoad link.It will be benefitted for me

  2. এই ফন্টটি Nesarul OMR এর কপি । এবং এর লেখা গুলো পর্যন্ত কপি । আমরা বিভিন্ন ভাবে আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ করার চেষ্টা করেছি । আপনি এই পোস্ট না সরালে আমরা আইননানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করব । এই কমেন্ট দেখা মাত্র যোগাযোগ করুণ ০১৭২৮৮৯১৯৬১ এই নাম্বারে ।

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